Monday, 5 February 2018


Which one of the following instruments is used to measure accurately the angle of taper?
a) Bevel gauge
b) Bevel protractor
c) Vernier bevel protractor
d) Taper gauge

Which one of the following statements is true in respect of taper turning using telescopic type of taper turning attachment?
a) The tool post is pushed or pulled during axial movement of the saddle
b) The compound slide is pushed or pulled during the axial movement of the saddle
c) The cross slide is pushed or pulled during the axial movement of the saddle
d) The saddle itself is pushed or pulled during the axial movement of the saddle

In thread cutting with chasers on lathe the hand chasers are used for:...............
a) Quick production of threads.
b) Cutting threads on soft metals directly
c) Rectifying threads cut on steel rods which are distorted.
d) Rectifying crest and root of threads formed by single point tool.

A centre gauge is used to..............
a) Check the pitch of the thread
b) Set the tool to exact centre height
c) Check the flank angle of a "V" threading tool
d) Determine the length of cutting edge of the "V" threading tool

Which one of the following methods of joining metals results in the fusion of the parent metal?
a) Soldering
b) Welding
c) Brazing
d) Riveting

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