Monday 5 February 2018


What is the functional part "pilot" provided in reamers-
a) Removing chips
b) Hold in machine spindle.
c) Finish Concentric Hole
d) Hold in tap wrench

Pudding furnace is used to produce
a) Cast Iron
b) Steel
c) Pig Iron
d) Wrought Iron

In Oxy acetylene welding, color of oxygen cylinder is
a) Maroon
b) Brown
c) Red
d) Black

Which flame is suitable for cutting operations-
a) Carburizing flame
b) Oxidizing flame
c) Neutral Flame
d) None of these

Which flame is suitable for welding of non ferrous metals (brasses and bronzes)
a) Carburizing flame
b) None of these
c) Oxidizing flame
d) Neutral Flame

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