Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Fitter jan2018 semester 2 questions-1

It is a welding transformer which converts A.C. into D.C.
A) Motor generator
B) Rectifier
C) Engine generator
D) All of these

Taper tap is the tap in which.......... threads are chamfered on the lower side.
A) 8to10       B) 3to5
C)20to25      D)None of these

The tool which gives suppport to the rivet head, is
A) Lolly B) Dolly C) Trolley D None of these

Which of the following is mounted in order to support nut, bolt, screw, etc
A) Key B) Washer C) Coupling D) None of these

Which of the following is not a foundation bolt?
A) Eye foundation bolt
B) Lewis bolt
C) Rag bolt
D) All of these

Which of the following is a part of preventive maintenance?
A) Lubrication B) Servicing
C) Inspection D) All of these

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